General conditions


CULTURE KIDS Limited Liability Private Company, BCE 0697.735.153, whose head office is located at 3090 OVERIJSE, Brusselsesteenweg 624, develops learning and leisure activities for children aimed at raising awareness of multiculturalism.

CULTURE KIDS COMMUNITY ASBL, BCE 0797.545.876, whose head office is situated at 3090 OVERIJSE, Brusselsesteenweg 624, also develops learning and leisure activities for children aimed at raising awareness of multiculturalism.

To this end, CULTURE KIDS and CULTURE KIDS COMMUNITY manage a cultural center that:

– organizes various holiday camps for children,

– organizes extracurricular cultural activities for children, such as language lessons, music lessons, nature activities, cooking classes, etc.,

– organizes birthday parties for children and other special events.

– Supports and hosts social projects for children in need either by volunteering and/or funding.

These general conditions define the contractual relationship between CULTURE KIDS on the one hand and the customer (hereinafter the “CLIENT”) on the other hand.

These general conditions are applicable only if no other specific conditions have been expressed explicitly in writing.

CULTURE KIDS may modify these general conditions at any time, provided these changes appear on the website The conditions online at the time of booking remain applicable for this registration. The CLIENT is supposed to have read and accepted all clauses without reservation.

The registration by the CLIENT to an activity organized by CULTURE KIDS is done exclusively online, via the website To register your child for an activity, the CLIENT must choose the “Booking” tab, choose a product and fill out the form provided for this purpose. Once completed, an automatic email will be sent to the client to confirm receipt and state if the booking is “confirmed” (payment received) or “on hold” (waiting for payment). For payment by bank transfer, the payment must be received within 48 hours of the booking in order to be confirmed. If not the case, CULTURE KIDS reserves the right to cancel the booking.

The number of places available for each activity is indicated on the website.

If there are no more places available for the activity, the CLIENT can fill out the contact form and ask to be put on a waiting list, or choose another activity.

All confirmed bookings are final. In case of cancellation up to 2 weeks before the event for any reason (illness, accident), CULTURE KIDS offers a reimbursement of 80% of the amount paid to the CLIENT, in form of CREDIT to be used for another activity at CULTURE KIDS, and valid for a year. The retained amount covers administrative fees. For any last minute cancellations, as costs have been incurred, unless the place can be given to another child on the waiting list, no reimbursement or credit can be claimed.

By registering his child for an activity, the CLIENT accepts the list of prices published on the website  Prices quoted by CULTURE KIDS are denominated in euros. Some activities include VAT. Any increase in VAT or any new tax that would be imposed between the time of registration and that of the activity will be charged to the CLIENT.

CULTURE KIDS reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, without prior notification, it being understood however that the price published on the website at the time of registration made by the CLIENT remains applicable for this registration.

Families with financial difficulties can reach out through the contact form. CULTURE KIDS aims to provide, whenever possible, solutions to families who need help to care for their children.

CULTURE KIDS invoices are payable at the CULTURES KIDS head office no later than fifteen (15) days after the billing date.  Any complaint relating to an invoice must be sent in writing, to the head office of CULTURE KIDS, eight (8) calendar days after its reception. Otherwise, the CLIENT will no longer be able to contest this invoice.  Any unpaid invoice will produce a default interest calculated at the legal rate. Any invoice unpaid at the end of the term will be compensated by 15% extra of the amount remaining unpaid as damages and interest, with a minimum of 50 euros per invoice.

The internal rules and regulations of CULTURE KIDS are published on the website and form an integral part of these terms and conditions. By accepting these terms and conditions, the CUSTOMER acknowledges and accepts the internal regulations.

CULTURE KIDS is a registered trademark on which CULTURE KIDS S.P.R.L. enjoys exclusive right of exploitation. Any reproduction, use or affixing of the said brand or logo, without the prior authorization of CULTURE KIDS S.P.R.L., is prohibited.
It is also reminded that the photographs, images, drawings and logos found on the website culturekids.bes are considered to be copyright protected works. Any unauthorized use of any of these works is prohibited.
In general, the domain name, the data, the programs, the musical samples, the texts, the information, the logos, the visual identities, the animated images appearing on the site www.culturekids are exclusive property of CULTURE KIDS BVBA and are protected as such by the provisions of the Code of Economic Law. The CLIENT undertakes not to use them or to allow anyone to use this content for illegal purposes. Any representation or reproduction, total or partial, permanent or temporary, on a computer and / or paper, and by any process whatsoever, of any of the elements of the site, without the prior and express agreement of CULTURE KIDS SPRL, is prohibited and constitutes an act of counterfeit which may lead to civil and / or criminal convictions.  No hyperlinks to the website can be created without the prior and express agreement of CULTURE KIDS S.P.R.L.
CULTURE KIDS is and remains the owner of all intellectual property rights in the works, inventions, designs and models that it will be required to create, invent, produce or use in the context of the activities it organizes.

The methods and know-how held and used by CULTURE KIDS in the context of the activities it organizes constitute business secrets within the meaning of Article I.17 / 1 (1) of the Code of Economic Law.
The use or disclosure by the CLIENT of the business secrets of CULTURE KIDS that he would have obtained during the activities organized by the latter are strictly prohibited.
In general, the CLIENT will keep strictly confidential any data and information of any nature whatsoever belonging to or held by CULTURE KIDS.  In case of doubt about the confidential or public nature of information belonging to or held by CULTURE KIDS, the CLIENT will have to ask CULTURE KIDS about this.  All documents issued as part of the activities organized by CULTURE KIDS, its tools and methods are confidential information.
It is prohibited for the CLIENT to use and disclose the confidential information of CULTURE KIDS.

By signing up on the website, the CLIENT adheres to these terms and conditions and agrees that his personal data are collected and used for the organization of CULTURE KIDS activities, as well as for promotional purposes.
When the CLIENT makes his registration on the website, CULTURE KIDS collects the following personal data of the CLIENT: the name, the sex, the address, the telephone number, NISS and the email address.
CULTURE KIDS undertakes to ensure the confidentiality of personal data collected and not to sell, rent or communicate to third parties, except to technical subcontractors (host, etc.) or to comply with a legal obligation.
In accordance with the regulations in force, the CLIENT also enjoys the following rights:
the right of access to his personal data processed by CULTURE KIDS,
the right to obtain a copy of his personal data processed by CULTURE KIDS,
the right to request the correction of personal data processed by CULTURE KIDS,
the right to oppose the processing of his personal data by CULTURE KIDS,
the right to limit the processing of his personal data by CULTURE KIDS,
the right to request the erasure of his personal data processed by CULTURE KIDS,

The customer can exercise his rights free of charge by contacting CULTURE KIDS,  by email ( or by post at 3090 OVERIJSE, Brusselsesteenweg 624
The personal data collected will be kept only for the time necessary to meet the purposes indicated above.
The website uses certain cookies to make the reception of the CUSTOMER more user-friendly (eg to recognize the language of preference). The CUSTOMER may refuse the use of these cookies if his browser allows it.

CULTURE KIDS offers activities that can stimulate children’s interest in culture, language and music. CULTURE KIDS can in no way be held responsible for a lack of interest in the child for the activity chosen by the CLIENT.  During organized activities, CULTURE KIDS is not liable for damage caused by or to children participating in the activities. The CLIENT or children participating are also responsible for their belongings, CULTURE KIDS is not liable in case of damage or loss of personal belongings. The same applies to activities organized by CULTURE KIDS in other schools or premises, under the supervision of teachers or the CLIENT.

The activities of CULTURE KIDS are suspended in case of occurrence of a fortuitous event or force majeure which would prevent the organization. CULTURE KIDS will advise the CLIENT of the occurrence of such event as soon as possible.  The suspension of an activity following a case of force majeure shall not give rise to the right to the reimbursement of the price paid by the CLIENT.

Any dispute directly or indirectly relating to the contractual relations of CULTURE KIDS with the CLIENT is the exclusive competence of the Courts and Tribunals of Brussels.

The contractual relations of CULTURE KIDS with the CLIENT are governed by Belgian law.